The admissions committee is looking at your motivations, 你的写作风格, and those specific experiences that are indicators of success. 这是一个机会,让你展示你的优势,适合这个项目,以及你的写作能力.

  • 个人陈述是申请研究生课程的常见要求 . The best advice is to write a unique personal statement for each program  你正在申请. 一般的个人陈述很少会让你的申请脱颖而出. When admission committees are reading 100 or more applications, 努力确保你的材料被仔细考虑是很重要的.Do this by ensuring that you are responding to the questions asked; modify your personal statement each time to tailor it to address the instructions.
  • Proofread your statement carefully. 明智的做法是请一位值得信赖的指导老师来审阅你的材料. Take their advice if they suggest changes.
  • 关注“合适”. 努力让老师相信你的研究和职业目标与该项目提供的培训类型是重叠的. 你是否做足了功课,以确保你对该项目有足够的了解,以便在你的个人陈述中提供有关该项目提供的培训的具体例子.
  • Avoid any personal disclosures about mental health concerns, 家庭问题, or other overly sensitive information.
  • 记住,你是在和一大批同样成绩优异、有志愿者经历的高素质申请者竞争, so 考虑如何以专业的方式使您的应用程序与众不同. Consider specifying research interests, 的职业目标, 以及其他使你非常适合研究生项目的个人特质.
  • 最常见的个人陈述是一页两倍行距的陈述, 原创作文,突出你作为申请人的优势, motivation for this program, leadership and service record, 等. 然而, 它也可以是一个300-500字的个人陈述,描述你的教育和职业目标, 或者200字以内, please indicate your 的职业目标, 你为什么希望参加这个项目?你认为你将如何从这个项目的经历中受益.


Be as specific as possible. Your personal statement should include your reasons for applying, 你的兴趣领域, your academic and research accomplishments and your 的职业目标. A great personal statement can help you get an interview, a mediocre one probably won’t matter much, and a terrible one will hurt you. 你想要变得独特和有趣,但你绝对不想太突出.What they don’t know is who you are, 是什么吸引你进入这个领域,所以写作要直截了当. Try to avoid deep analogies, quotes, and super cheesy stories. 在你的文章中, 在简历中加入一些你认为会让你在这个领域出类拔萃的技能和品质,但不要明确地说明它们与这个领域的关系. Length of the personal statement is also important. 请记住,任何一个特定的项目都必须通过数百份个人陈述, so try to get your points across without all of the added fluff. Anything over one page is too much (unless otherwise stated).

最后,不要低估个人陈述的力量. It is common to hear people say that it doesn’t matter, 这可能是真的, but it can also make or break your application. 一旦你认为它是完美的,把它搁置几天,然后再修改它. Have multiple people (friends, family, academic mentor…等.) read it and give you feedback. Last but not least, PROOFREAD! 你最不想做的就是因为犯了一个简单的语法或拼写错误而让自己失去面试机会. 你的个人陈述是一个让程序在个人层面上更多地了解你的机会.我们的目标不是重写你的简历,试图探索你的生活中没有其他地方在你的申请.

  1. 是什么促使你决定在这个时候读研究生?
  2. 毕业后立即表明你的职业目标,毕业后5-7年.
  3. 识别和讨论个人生活经历和因素-例如, strengths and stressors in family, 工作和社区经历——这些对塑造你的性格很重要, 前景, 以及生活的选择. 这些经历和因素是如何影响你选择这个领域作为职业的?
  4. If there are any discrepancies in your GPA, this is the place to plea your case to the admissions committee.
  5. 解释你为什么选择申请这个项目. What attracted you to our program? What do you hope to gain from the program?
  6. Describe your special interests and 的职业目标. 如果你曾经在其他领域工作或接受过培训,为什么现在要考虑换工作?
  7. How have your life experiences, 职业生涯的经历, 经济, 少数民族, 种族, 精神和/或其他不同的经历促成了你在这个领域工作的愿望和能力?
  8. 描述能使你在该领域成功实践的智力和个人资格.
  9. What limitations do you see in your work experiences, 从事社会工作需要具备的特质和技能?
  10. 你将如何平衡课外活动和学术责任?
  11. 如果你有任何特殊情况需要解释或可能妨碍你与特定人群合作(e.g., failing grades, low GPA, personal circumstances), please do so.
  12. Describe your research interests and discuss how this program will allow you to pursue research in this area (tip: connect your response to a specific faculty member; also address your flexibility in working with your 2nd choice faculty member).
  13. Describe your professional strengths and areas for growth.
  14. 描述你的职业目标以及本课程将如何帮助你实现这些目标. (确保你对这个问题的回答反映了你攻读这个学位的意图。). If you intend to pursue further doctoral study, 请包括你的研究兴趣,以及这个项目(以及特定的教师)将如何让你在这个领域进行研究.
